Friday, March 31, 2006
This is a common expression said in China for something that is not possible. A similar idiom in America would be, That will be a cold day in Hell, or When Hell freezes over. Another local American variation is, When pigs fly. Can you think of any others?
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Don't Make Waves
The expressions "don't make waves" or "don't rock the boat" mean that you should not say or do something that would upset the local environment. If you shout and make a loud protest, you will very likely cause disruption and turbulence. These expressions are usually referred to in regard to any society or group situation, such as the workplace, politics or the family.
For example, someone raised in China told me about people getting into trouble if they speak out publicly against the government. That would be making waves.
For example, someone raised in China told me about people getting into trouble if they speak out publicly against the government. That would be making waves.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Immigration: Los Angeles Protest
U.S. immigration laws are a great controversy. Half a million people recently marched in protest in Los Angeles. It is best to immigrate legally. Organizations like AILF can assist you with legal immigration.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
A Big Drink For Four
Here we see the drink is being shared by four friends. Drinking through straws looks like a good way to share.
A Big Drink for Two
Here is a really big drink. It is big enough for two thirsty girls to drink at the same time.
Friday, March 24, 2006
The Digit
Originally uploaded by czech_beauty_miss_robyn
Friday, March 17, 2006
Party Time

A few good drinks get these pretty ladies in the right mood for a party.

This one with blue hair is having an private inner moment. Perhaps she is getting a good idea.

This looks like creamy icing from a cupcake going on to her neck.

Eat, drink and be merry! She is licking a really sweet neck. It tastes good, no doubt.
Photos originally uploaded to flickr by BitsySpanx.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Possible Misunderstanding
This photo was tagged "stupid" at flickr, because the possible misinterpretation of the sign's message. Dairy Queen probably will not be able to hire two cheeseburgers now or any time soon.
One Room Schoolhouse
My apologies for not posting here for such a long time. I had sent an e-mail request to Google's Blogger support, asking if is possible to write in English typeface and Traditional Chinese language characters on the same page. I thought this would present an interesting way to show translations.
This picture of a one room schoolhouse is a symbol of the basic, simplistic approach I have set out with in starting this particular blog.
In the brief history of the pioneering of the United States small towns had the "little red schoolhouse." Often children of all ages would receive instruction in the one room schoolhouse.
It is probably like this all over the world. Learning has to begin somewhere, taking small steps.
This picture of a one room schoolhouse is a symbol of the basic, simplistic approach I have set out with in starting this particular blog.
In the brief history of the pioneering of the United States small towns had the "little red schoolhouse." Often children of all ages would receive instruction in the one room schoolhouse.
It is probably like this all over the world. Learning has to begin somewhere, taking small steps.