Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Kiss and Ride

Kiss and Ride
Originally uploaded by sanbeiji.
Often new expressions are introduced into the English and American mainstream by way of foreign countries. The description attached to this photo tells us that the expression, as odd as it may look, is present at the drop off areas in a few train stations in the US and Canada, although this is the first I've seen it or heard the phrase.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

What Does It Mean?

What the Fuck!!!
Originally uploaded by andytgeezer.
It is difficult to know what this Chinese message's true intention is. Beginning with the first line, a more acceptable phrasing is, "Recently on December 31 2006 our Company..." When giving an exact date, use the preposition "on." If you refer to a month, then use "in December" which implies "in (the month of) December."

The second sentence seems to be saying that the company has withdrawn a line of Chinese men's clothing.

The third line has humorous errors. "Pure zero" sounds like a scientific experiment. The word pure is unnecessary in this context. The word "goodses" is probably intended to be "goods", so the corrected phrase would be, "Zero deadline of all goods in market," which I'm still uncertain of the meaning. Does it mean immediate delivery, ready to ship now?

"bye China" could be an attempt to advertise to "buy China" merchandise.

The likely conclusion for an English speaking customer could be a lack of confidence in this merchant.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Keep In It Real

Keep In It Real
Originally uploaded by curoninja.
This is a good idea, but the wrong wording. The intention is most likely the expression, "Keepin' it real", which most likely originated as an African-American soul music expression. Keeping it real means to be honest and truthful, to have integrity, without a hidden agenda, without bullshit.

"Keep in it real" would roughly mean perhaps that you really want to stay in a place for a longer time, and is a phrase that is rarely, if ever used in English speech or writing.